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Stichting Egmond ’40 – ’45

Stichting Egmond ’40 – ’45

Donate to account number IBAN:NL71 RABO 0319 2703 00 of our foundation with ANBI status.

Donate by account number
IBAN: NL71RABO0319270300
of our foundation with ANBI status.


Lost Over Sea Tribute

Video Lost – preview


Today is day 1 for the promotional film of our Lost Monument.
In the lighthouse of Egmond aan Zee!
Thank you Bart, Jacinta, Eva, Annette, Michiel, Mark, Daan and Job!
Tomorrow shooting day 2 at the war cemetery in Bergen.
Available online soon!
Well then, a teaser of our promotional film for our lost monument.
Next week we will complete the recordings on the beach, after which it will be edited by JDproductions.
Click here for the preview