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Stichting Egmond ’40 – ’45

Stichting Egmond ’40 – ’45

Donate to account number IBAN:NL71 RABO 0319 2703 00 of our foundation with ANBI status.

Donate by account number
IBAN: NL71RABO0319270300
of our foundation with ANBI status.


Lost Over Sea Tribute

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And help realize this beautiful monument

Financing LOST monument

All signals for the realization of the LOST monument are green.

The design has been made, the location on the boulevard of Egmond aan Zee has been determined and the permit for placing the monument has now been granted by the municipality of Bergen.

The continuation of this project is only dependent on funding.

The complete project costs 72,000 euros, of which 60,000 euros is for the construction of the monument itself. The other costs are for things like collecting the identity plates, placing the monument on the boulevard and fundraising costs.

We could use your help

You can support this project financially through a one-time sponsorship, but you can also become a regular donor of the project.

0sponsors and donors
0Total donations raised! Intended goal €72,000

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