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Stichting Egmond ’40 – ’45

Stichting Egmond ’40 – ’45

Donate to account number IBAN:NL71 RABO 0319 2703 00 of our foundation with ANBI status.

Donate by account number
IBAN: NL71RABO0319270300
of our foundation with ANBI status.


Lost Over Sea Tribute

Relatives of rear gunner Thomas Robert Pagget visit Museum


Today we had a visit from relatives of Thomas Robert Pagget.
This rear gunner went missing over the North Sea.
On the night of June 11 to 12, 1943, his Lancaster was shot down near the piers of IJmuiden.
His body and those of two others, including Robert Durham, a case we are still investigating, have never been found.
In the nineties the vertical right aileron washed up on the beach of Wijk aan Zee.
It is now in Fort Veldhuis in Heemskerk.
The family visited here and received part of the aileron.
They can’t get any closer to their lost uncle.
We want to erect the LOST monument for these missing pilots.
We told them that this is for all nationalities.
Their response was heart-warming: it’s a wonderful thought to commemorate together!
Johan Graas from Fort Veldhuis, thank you for your cooperation!